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Image by John Fowler



As a mentor and guide, my mission is to inspire others to deeply trust their intuition and create lives that are divinely led. 


I believe that from a clear and grounded system, the possibilities are endless.


Our work is to surrender, open, listen, discern, and take guided action. 


Remembering that we are infinitely supported and guided is our first step to true freedom and play. 


Remembering that we are direct reflections of the divine—we open to our highest expressions. 


Remembering that we are simultaneously human beings having a human experience and spiritual beings in deep connection to the heavens.


As we complete the missions of previous incarnations we level up to our next level of being. 


We remember the untruth of the static being and unfold into clearer more potent versions of ourselves. 


At our higher levels, we are guided to create and play as embodiments of the divine— sacred vessels following our highest paths. 

Stephanie Almanzar

Creatrix, Mentor & Guide

Deeply grounded to the earth and infinitely resourced from the heavens, Stephanie's essence carries a lightness and depth that is both seen and felt. 


A lifetime practitioner and devotee to the great mystery,  she lives a life surrendered to the will of the divine while committed to showing up for what's hers from moment to moment.


Her interests lie in the realms of both the seen and unseen. Initiated into spirituality and religious teachings as a child, it has been a long journey of clearing, investigation and re-integration, to develop a healthy and loving relationship with the divine.  Being a lifelong yogi, even in the most challenging of times, her practice has consistently brought her back to center, continuing to light the path to deeper self-mastery.  A lover of animals, flowers, aromatherapy, and the Uba River, she spends her free time immersed in the elements, brushing horses, gardening, sunbathing, creating delicious aromatic products, and taking long river hikes with her partner and magical pup Holden. 


Her teachings and aromatic creations come resourced from her spirit guides, ancestors, and earthly mentors. Her path is to continue to unravel, create from a space of divine emptiness, and help guide others on the path to true authenticity and self-mastery.  

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Devoted to the path of singing her own tune— she illuminates the path for those longing to live life through their own unique song.

Relevant Studies & Trainings 

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Registered Nurse

  • Graduate of a Health and Wellness Coaching Program

  • Certified Yoga Instructor in 2 different modalities

  • NAHA Aromatherapy Certificate ​

  • Yoga Practitioner for over 20 years.

  • Spiritual Studies for over 20 years.

  • Business, Creation & Expression Alchemy over 5 years.

  • Money Alchemy Practitioner for over 4 years.

  • Energy Work Practitioner for over 4 years. 

Image by Jakub Kriz

"I am here to remember my purest expression so that I may be a clear vessel to guide you to your highest path." 

Gratitude & Appreciation

With honor and reverence, I thank all my earthly mentors, guides, and way-showers for your love, patience, acceptance, and commitment to my growth and development as a human and spiritual being. Thank you for holding me, loving me, and creating space for me to find my own path. I thank you for always guiding me in the right direction, while also giving me space to explore, make mistakes, and learn from failure— an enormous gift for my growth and expansion.


I thank my mother for her continuous support and love. Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to do the things I most desire. Thank you for being my first teacher and guide in the world of spirituality and the world of the unseen. It is because of you that I have such an in-depth understanding of the fact that I am never alone—that I am always supported, loved, and guided. 


I thank my Latin lineage for teaching me resilience and perseverance. I was not handed everything with ease, I had to work for it, and I had to develop the courage and determination to arrive where I am today. My ancestors have taught me the importance of going into the depths of darkness, of facing the unknown, of believing I was worthy when circumstances made me doubt my innate worth.  Thank you for holding me all the way through. Thank you for reminding me that in the end there is always light. 


I thank my guides, my spiritual team, I thank the Great Spirit. In you, I have remembered an infinite source of wisdom, guidance, and love. Each day in prayer I am reminded that I am home, that I belong, and that I am exactly where I need to be. There is no doubt about what decision to make or what my next step is when I reach out for guidance, there is only what is real and true and it is always crystal clear. Thank you. 


I thank the Earth for always showing me an abundance of beauty, and for reminding me of my innate beauty. You are the most profound teacher of the life-death-life cycles because, within you, new life and death are given equal importance and reverence.  Thank you for reminding me that your cycles mirror and nourish my own. 


I acknowledge and honor the land I live on, the ancestral homelands of the Nisenan Tribe. I welcome your guidance and support. I acknowledge your history and wish to be shown the best way to tend to you and honor you. Thank you for providing me with fertile soil to live off of and a lush landscape to play and explore.


Thank you. 

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