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Image by Joshua Sortino

Sacred-Self Mastery

As divine beings on this Earth, we are one hundred percent Human and one hundred percent Spirit.


To remain in balance, we must remember this truth. 

Sacred Self-Mastery is the practice of being a divine human.

The practice of making decisions from a grounded and clear space.

The practice of being intimate with your highest path.

The practice of being fully human and fully divine.


Cultivating a deep love and devotion for where you are now.

Cultivating a synergistic relationship with the material and the spiritual. Cultivating reverence for the seen and unseen.


Becoming a sovereign being who has discernment, wisdom, and is divinely guided. 

Becoming the creator of your life, while being fully surrendered within it.

Becoming the space in which life itself is nourished, loved, and cherished.

Becoming a clear, grounded, and receptive vessel.


Dancing between the complexity and simplicity of opposing forces.

Cultivating the space for union and expansion. 

Cultivating a deep understanding of the connection between the human and the spirit. 

As your guide, I am fully committed to creating a clear and potent space for you to re-discover your inner wisdom.

I help you remember to trust in your intuition and inner-guidance system so that you may be divinely led to your highest path.

I offer you the space, the tools, and the guidance and you follow your path.

Image by Sapan Patel

Energetic Sovereignty

 As humans we are made of energy, how we use our energy, how we hold our energy, and how we tend to our energy has a direct effect on our lives. Our energetic field mirrors the themes of our lives—directly impacting how we deal with struggles, with success, and how we integrate our experiences.  As energetic beings, it is our responsibility to tend to our energy field so that we may be clear, grounded, and fully expressed humans.


I offer you the tools and practices so that you may get to know yourself and your energy at a deeper level. Having this awareness and being able to work with your energy in a healthy and sovereign way allows you to develop the skill to be fully present with yourself through any situation life presents to you. This powerful tool creates space for you to truly get to know yourself, discover your unique path, and allow for expansion, growth, and transformation to organically become integrated into your being. Simply put, cultivating energetic sovereignty allows you to be uniquely you— and to me, this is the greatest gift imaginable. 

Image by Aaron Burden

Money Alchemy 

My intention with any teaching or transmission I offer around Money is that you may begin to develop your own unique relationship with this energy. There is not a one size fits all offering with Money—we are all unique beings, with different socioeconomic backgrounds,  unique ancestry, and different life experiences that contribute to the initiations life gives us around the resource of Money.  Although there are universal teachings and ways to play with Money that most any can benefit from. What is even more potent is when you can fully be with your past and present relationship with Money without judgement, fear, or contempt. Be willing to see Money as a resource that is fully integrated into our society. Be willing to be present with the truth that we may not all be meant to steward millions, while deeply knowing that we are all meant to receive what is meant for us. 


While being a highly charged subject I hope to bring awareness, lightness, depth, and play into conversations around Money. Providing practical tools and resources to help you navigate through your unique experience with Money. So that when Money comes up in your daily life you can be more conscious and present in how you interact with this resource. Learning to steward more expansive amounts of Money with integrity and ease. Learning to bring more fluidity and flow in the giving, and receiving of Money. Learning to fluently speak the language of Money because we may have never received a clear and healthy transmission of this energy.

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Image by Kien Do

Intuitive Business

The way I approach business with any individual who wants to bring form to their creative expression is personalized and unique to the individual I am working with. In mainstream business practices, there are many formulas and strategies to get clients, present offers, get paid, etc. In our work together these aspects of business are presented with less efforting and force, and more ease and grace.


My interest and skills lie in providing the space for you to organically create a business that suits your unique needs. We begin with the seed of a creation you are wanting to bring life to and begin to tend to this creation with love, attention, acceptance, and deep listening. I provide you with the resources needed to start cultivating the practice of first tending and listening, and then creating solid structures to hold your creative flow and taking guided action to bring form to your creations.  Through this organic process, your creation grows and expands as you do, providing you with the fertile ground to build a business that feels perfectly resonant to you. In this way of creating and tending you fully respect yourself, your values, and the creation that wants to flow through you. By not compromising the integrity of your creation and your business, you are cultivating the fertile soils of true self-expression and beauty. 

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Image by Kent Pilcher

The Human Practice

Being incarnated on this Earth we have chosen the humble, sensational, and deeply confronting experience of being a human. Therefore,  it is important to remember to tend to our human needs and desires in a way that is aligned and current with who we are now. Our pasts although shaping our present and future, does not mean that we are static beings. We have the beautiful ability to change, adapt, transform, grow, and expand in innumerable ways.


I create spaces where we will organically begin to listen to the needs and wants of the body in a clear and grounded way. Taking notice of the ways you have treated your body in the past that you may hold on to today. Noticing how you relate to yourself in relationships and how these connections may mirror the dynamics of your past. 


Space is created for deep clearing and integration of your past so that you may be in resonance with your present.  From this clear space, you remember the wisdom of the body and its connection to the Earth. Harnessing this truth of deep connection, you notice how your routines naturally shift to ones that feel more easeful and in tune with your rhythms. You notice how you begin to perceive your body as a divine vessel of creation. You notice how your relationships with others start to carry the quality of true authenticity.  You notice how you start to treat your body and your life here on Earth with renewed reverence and respect. 

Image by Marek Piwnicki

Spritual Development

As we are fully human, so we are fully divine. It is in the practice and balance of human and spirit that we become whole. There is a tendency in our society to place more importance either on the material or on the spiritual. My intention and hope is to illuminate a more balanced and grounded way—the middle way.


Allowing ourselves to be divinely guided in a way that attunes to the needs and desires of the human experience and the progress and development along a spiritual path. It is the path where the two eventually become one. Our spiritual communion and development begins to illuminate and enhance our human experience. Our human experience begins to clearly mirror what is being asked of us along spiritual lines. Having a practice of listening for guidance received from a divine source brings enhanced meaning to our lives. It cultivates within us the infinite resource of trust in ourselves and our experience. It allows us to remember that we are always supported, that we are never presented with anything we cannot fully handle, and that our experience here on Earth is a beautiful opportunity to deeply get to know ourselves. It is through our development as spiritual beings on this Earth that we can create offerings in service to the transformation and growth of humanity. 



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Mentorship Testimonials

Stephanie has a truly intuitive way of looking at business which was DEEPLY refreshing after 6 months of wading through patriarchal-driven sales-focused clickbait MUCK. 


 I moved my intuitive coaching practice online for the very first time at the beginning of Covid era. Since then, it's been a whirlwind of educational overwhelm— facebook ads, learning about niches and funnels and also overcoming some of my very real blocks around asking people for money despite seeing incredible results in my clients lives over and over and over again.


Stephanie really cut right to the chase of trusting my intuition as far as business goes. Despite having focused on clarity for 6 straight months, I feel like I got more clarity in one meditation session with Stephanie than I have through any other way of seeking.


Her process even opened up a connection to a new spirit guide (Agamemnon the owl) and I feel something powerful bubbling up inside of me ready to be released.


Thank you Stephanie for creating this powerful container, and for giving me permission to STOP when the spirit isn't calling me. <3


- Sary M. -

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